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If elected, Carson would work on balancing the budget through an amendment to combat national debt. He will also seek to enact a higher two tiered minimum wage system with a lower starter minimum wage for young workers.[9]
If elected, Cruz's economic plan would focus on taxes. He views reducing income and business tax as the best way to stimulate economic growth and create jobs.[8]
If elected, Hillary Clinton would work to create an economic system designed to raise the incomes of lower and middle class families.[1]
If elected, Bernie Sanders' primary goal would be to work to fix income inequality by implementing a 13-step plan which works to reverse the current problem of income inequality through taxes, education, and jobs programs. Its highlights include increasing taxes on the wealthy and large corporations, increasing the federal minimum wage, and increasing federal investment in infrastructure.[2]
Fiorina's economic plan focuses mostly on taxes. However, she would allow large banks to fail instead of bailing them out and would repeal the Dodd Frank Act.[11]
Bush's economic plan is centered around tax reform and reducing regulation. If elected, Bush would seek to reduce economic and environmental regulations on carbon and coal and repeal or reform economically restrictive rules and regulations.[7]
If elected, Trump's economic plan would prioritize lowering corporate and individual taxes. Furthermore, his plan to rework a relationship with China aims to bring more manufacturing jobs back to the United States in order to bolster the economy.[5][6]
If elected, Kasich economic policy would consist of his tax and budget plan in an effort to create jobs. He would expand upon these to by reducing regulations he believes are limiting job growth. To do this he one place a one year moratorium on new regulations for business so they can be reviewed and reformed. Next he would work with Congress to make a cost-benefit analysis to make sure any new regulation provide sufficient benefit. Lastly, he would create a new review panels comprised of people outside the legal system making easier for small business to fight agencies regulatory decisions.[10]
If elected, Christie's economic policy would emphasize his tax policy but also include rolling back many of the regulations implemented under Obama. His plan would work to eliminate the payroll tax for those younger than 25 and older than 65. Christie would also repeal Obamacare's 30 hour work week mandate and implement an R&D tax credit.[12]
Rubio's economic plan focuses on driving business innovation and jobs by lowering corporate tax rates and reducing regulation. Rubio would make defending net neutrality a priority and cease the creation of new taxes on online sales and digital goods and services. Rubio supports the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Keystone Pipeline.[3][4]
If elected, Kasich's foreign policy would prioritize defeating ISIS. He would challenge regional aggression demonstrated by Russia and China to reassert U.S. strength by working with states in Europe and Japan. He would work to strengthen the military, renew key alliances, promote democracy and civil liberties, and protect human rights.[21]
Hillary's plan for American Foreign Policy includes insuring that Iran is never allowed to acquire nuclear weapons, defeating ISIS, standing up to Putin, and encouraging China to be a responsible stakeholder on cyberspace, human rights, territorial disputes, and climate change.[13]
If elected, Christie's foreign policy initiatives would center around strengthening the military. He would increase both human and cyber intelligence efforts and work to stand with allies and countries who share America's values and interests.[24]
Jeb Bush has proposed a four-point strategy to bring order back to the international system which he believes is contingent on having a strong military.[18]
If elected, Carson would work on strengthening the United States' relationship with Israel and allow the military to pursue anything it feels necessary to defeat ISIS. Carson would also work with the United States' NATO and non-NATO allies to limit Russia's aggression and continue with the use of Guantanamo Bay.[20]
If elected, Rubio would work to promote human rights and democracy in China and Cuba and combat ISIS by building a multinational coalition willing to send troops into Iraq and Syria, expand airstrikes, and provide arms to Sunni and Kurdish forces. Rubio would work to reject and reverse Russia's annexation of Crimea by providing lethal military assistance to Ukraine and ceasing all diplomatic engagement on any issue not related to Ukraine.[16]
If elected, Fiorina's first priorities will be to reassure Israel of the United States continued support and to negotiate a deal with Iran with mandatory unfettered inspections of all nuclear and military facilities and using global financial system to initate penalties unless they cooperate. To combat ISIS, Fiorina would work with the United States' Middle Eastern allies to bolster their ability to fight ISIS on the ground.[22][23]
If elected, Trump would work to make the United States more economically competitive with China. Trump would also deploy U.S. soldiers on the ground as military advisers to stop ISIS and prevent any Syrian refugees or Muslims from entering the United States.[17]
If elected, Sanders would move away from a policy of unilateral military action and focus on using diplomatic solutions to expand global influence by promoting fair trade, addressing climate change, and providing humanitarian relief and economic assistance. Sanders would close Guantanamo Bay and seek to limit future military action by setting clear goals and instituting a limited scope to operations.[14][15]
If elected, Cruz would work with allies to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, eliminate ISIS, and better combat terrorism around the world. Cruz would follow a three-point doctrine: Always have clearly stated goals tied to national security, use overwhelming force and remove rules of engagement that tie the hands of soldiers, and get out the affected area when the the military task is completed.[19]
If elected, Bush would instiutue a plan to offer legal status to undocumented immigrants after they meet particular criteria that includes learning English, paying back taxes and a fine. Bush would also increase border security by bolstering Border Patrol's resources, using new technologies to achieve continuous surveillance of the border, and investing in infrastructure around the border. He would seek to increase interior enforcement by requiring electronic verification of employment eligibility, and work to better identify and send home people who violate the terms of their visas.[31][32]
If elected, Hillary Clinton would seek comprehensive immigration reform legislation with a path to full and equal citizenship.[25]
If elected, Rubio would provide employers with a reliable way to check legal status while working to secure the border with additional investment in electronic monitoring and personnel. Rubio will work to stop "sanctuary cities" by discouraging law enforcement officers from cooperating with federal immigration authorities and cutting certain federal grant programs. He would reform the immigration system to provide a merit-based system for legal immigrants.[27][28]
If elected, Christie's immigration policy would prioritize securing the border through increased man power and investing in technology. He would work to implement a universal workplace enforcement policy by increasing fines for business, increasing measures to keep track people who overstaying their visas, eliminating funding for sanctuary cities, and blocking President Obama's executive action on amnesty.[37]
If elected, Cruz's first priority for immigration would be securing the U.S.-Mexico border. Cruz would then work to remove undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States. He would reform legal immigration, enforce public-charge doctrine, and work to create a constitutional amendment to end birthright citizenship.[33]
If elected, Sanders would enact comprehensive immigration reform aimed at keeping families together and regulate the flow of immigrants by modernizing the visa system and international trade agreements.[26]
If elected, Carson would work to create a system that allows undocumented immigrants who are currently in the country to apply for a guest worker position if they leave the country first. This is contingent on the person being able to prove they have a job waiting for them when they return. Carson's plan would also increase penalties on employers who break immigration rules.[34]
If elected President, Fiorina will work to secure the border using the National Guard, Coast guard, investment in infrastructure, and encourage increased federal, state and local cooperation. She would work to fix an employer verification system to hold business who hire undocumented immigrants are held accountable. Fiorina does not support any amnesty or path to citizenship program for undocumented Immigrants currently in the United states.[36]
If elected, Donald Trump would prioritize stopping undocumented immigrants from entering the United States by building a wall financed by Mexico across the Southern United States. Trump would impose a ban on Muslim immigration and end birthright citizenship. He would also require businesses to hire United States Citizens before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers.[29][30]
If elected, Kasich's immigration policy would focus on securing the border to prevent the flow of undocumented workers into the U.S. He would strengthen the guest worker program to allow individuals to come to work. He would work to create a program that allows people who have been in the United States for several years with a clean criminal record to be put on a path of legalization, not citizenship, assuming they pay a fine and back taxes.[35]
If elected, Christie would work to stimulate the economy through reforming the tax code to reduce deductions and create a flatter tax. He would also lower the corporate tax rate to 25% and give companies a one-time opportunity to repatriate profits currently sitting overseas at a lower tax rate.[12]
If elected, Donald Trump would reform and simplify the tax code to reduce it to four income brackets, eliminate most deductions and loopholes, and end the estate tax. Trump would reduce taxes for the middle class and change the business tax to 15% for all businesses. He would establish a one time repatriation of corporate cash held overseas at a 10% rate and end the deferral of taxes on corporate income earned abroad.[5]
If elected, Rubio would work to reduce the number of tax brackets from seven to three and simplify the rates to 35%, 25%, and 15%. He would cut the top corporate and small business tax rate to 25% while reducing capital gains, dividends, and estate tax to 0% after a transition period.[40]
If elected, Bernie Sanders would increase taxes on large corporations and institute taxes on Wall Street speculators, the top 0.3% of earners, and anyone who inherits more than $3.5 million.[2][39]
If elected, Kasich's tax plan would cut taxes for individuals and families by lowering income tax rates, reducing the number of tax brackets, and increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit. He would lower taxes on America's businesses and reform the IRS to eliminate inefficiencies, bias, and corruption through an independent top-to-bottom review.[10]
If elected, Hillary Clinton would keep the tax rate for top earners on capital gains at 39.6% for the first two years before transitioning to a staggered rate over six years. Hillary would cut taxes in the middle class, extend a tax cut to students, and impose a tax on high-frequency trading to limit its impact on Wall Street.[38]
If elected, Jeb Bush would work to simplify the tax code and cut individual rates from seven brackets to three, while reducing rates to 28%, 25%, and 10%. Bush would work to eliminate loopholes and cap deductions for businesses and treat non-investment income the same, while cutting corporate taxes to 25%.[41]
If elected president, Fiorina would work to move the tax code from 73,000 pages to about three. To do this she would lower every rate and close loopholes. She would work towards a flat tax for businesses and individuals.[43]
If elected, Cruz would work to implement a flat tax and eliminate the need for the IRS. For individuals and families, the tax rate would be set at 10% while the rate for businesses would be set at 16%. Cruz would remove the payroll tax but maintain full funding for Social Security and Medicare. He would also work to remove the estate tax, the alternative minimum tax, and tax on profits earned abroad.[8]
If elected, Carson would work to simplify the tax code, eliminating corporate loopholes and making taxes quick and easy enough to be filed in "less than 15 minutes". He believes this will allow the United States to put an end to the IRS as it currently operates.[42]
If Bernie Sanders was elected, he would take significant steps to cut greenhouse gas emissions by accelerating the transition away from fossil fuels and pushing for stronger action in the international community to solve climate change.[45]
If elected, Bush would lift restriction on exports of oil and natural gas, approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, and reduce regulation on hydraulic fracturing and carbon rules. He would increase both public and private sector research into new technology in energy innovation. Bush believes climate change is real and is being at least partially caused by humans, and will work with other countries to cut carbon emissions.[48][49]
Hillary Clinton has two primary energy and environment goals: The installation of more than 500 million solar panels across the country by the end of her first term and the generation of enough clean and renewable energy to power every home in America within ten years of taking office.[44]
If elected, Trump would not prioritize policies that work to limit climate change, believing it to be "a hoax". Trump would work to increase hydraulic fracturing and oil production. He is in support of the Keystone Pipeline.[47][17]
If elected, Cruz would support increasing hydraulic fracturing, construction of the Keystone Pipeline, modernizing refiners, increasing offshore drilling, and expanding energy exports to meet the energy needs of the country. He would also increase energy development on private land. Cruz does not believe in global climate change and would not work to reverse it.[50][51]
If elected, Kasich's energy plan would focus on keeping energy affordable by pursuing all sources of energy. He would work to achieve energy independence by approving the Keystone XL pipeline and reducing energy regulations that prohibit job growth. He would also encourage new energy technologies to promote future economic growth.[10]
If elected, Rubio would work to optimize America's resources by allowing states to control onshore energy development, altering Obama's five year offshore drilling plan, approving the Keystone Pipeline, and increasing American natural gas exports. Rubio would also minimize environmental regulation. Rubio would facilitate private sector led development of new energy technology and support universities to teach for the energy jobs of the future.[46]
If elected, Christie's energy policy would emphasize building infrastructure and working to get products to markets. This includes building the Keystone Pipeline and lifting the ban on crude oil exports. He would also work to reform energy regulation and increase research into technologies such as solar, sequestering carbon, and improving battery technology.[37]
If elected, Fiorina will work to remove regulations to encourage more hydraulic fracturing and drilling on federal lands. She would reinstate the Keystone XL pipeline. Fiorina believes that global climate change can only be changed through innovation and new technologies.[53][54]
If elected, Carson would direct the EPA to work in conjunction with business, industry, and universities to find the most eco-friendly ways of developing energy resources. Carson believes that global climate change is part of a cyclical warming pattern and is irrelevant, but says that Americans have "a responsibility to protect our environment".[52]
If elected, Cruz would work to reduce the size and power of the federal government. He would cut five departments: The IRS, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department of Commerce, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He would follow up by eliminating 25 federal agencies, bureaus, and commissions. Cruz would also reinstate grace commissions to improve government efficiency and place a hiring freeze on federal civilian employees.[60]
If elected, Bush would repeal Obamacare and seek to promote innovation in healthcare. He would lower the cost of healthcare through tax credits, capping employer tax exclusion to lower premiums, and enable small businesses to make tax-free contributions to workers plans.[59]
If elected, Rubio would reform secondary and college education. He would prohibit the federal government from creating mandates on curriculum or state standards and create a national school choice program. Rubio would also establish income based repayment as the universal repayment method for federal student loans and reform the accreditation system to accommodate non-traditional education.[57]
If elected, Trump would reform the Veterans Administration by increasing funding for PTSD treatment, traumatic brain injury treatment, and suicide prevention services. Trump would also increase funding for job training and placement services while working with leaders in the VA to adapt to new needs of the 21st century including better support for female veterans.[58]
If elected, John Kasich would work with congress to balance the budget in eight years. He aims to do this by passing a resolution amending the constitution to require a balanced budget. He would set priorities to shrink and dismantle parts of Washington's bureaucratic system. Kasich would reform entitlement programs like Medicaid and Medicare to reduce their growth rates.[10]
If elected, Carson would work to dramatically reform the federal bureaucratic system. His five-point plan is highlighted by public reporting, taxpayer feedback, and bold experimentation to eliminate inefficiencies.[61]
If elected, Bernie Sanders would make public college education free for every American citizen. Sanders claims the cost of this plan can be fully funded by imposing a tax on a fraction of a percent on Wall Street speculators.[56]
If elected, Clinton would work to reform Wall Street. She would also extend the statute of limitations to make sure financial frauds are punished, and hold executives and corporations accountable when they break the law.[55]
If elected, Christie would work to reform the criminal justice system by implementing a community policing model. He would seek to restore trust in the courts by focusing on treatment first, creating special drug courts, and introducing common sense bail reform. Christie would create programs for ex-offenders to get back on their feet and eliminate workplaces from asking about criminal history.[37]
If elected, Fiorina would work to work to ban abortion after five months for anything except in cases of rape, incest or danger to the life of the mother. She would stop allowing taxpayer money to fund Planned Parenthood. Fiorina would support alternative pregnancy centers and women's health clinics around the country.[62]