Morgan Baskin

About Morgan

27 years old

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario

A recent high school graduate, Morgan declined acceptance at a number of Canadian universities to focus on her campaign for mayor of Toronto. She got into politics to represent the voice of the young people of the city, whom she felt were not being heard.

Airport Expansion

The type of plane is not the point. We need to ensure that our waterfront is protected and the neighborhood where it is located is preserved. The exclusion zone should not be expanded when we are investing in our waterfront, and the school and neighborhood are not able to handle the added traffic.


Gardiner Expressway

Until we can find a solution as to where the traffic from the Gardiner would go, we need to continue to maintain it. We do however need to do long term thinking about the Gardiner as a whole.


Auto Congestion

The only foolproof method for solving congestion in a city is to limit the entrance of cars into the area. Over 90% of rush hour car trips are made by single occupancy vehicles. The only way to truly solve the congestion problem is to limit the number of single occupancy vehicles.


Light Rail

Light rail allows us to build transit that covers more area with a lower operating cost than a subway. It also allows us to build transit faster, and keep varied modes.



Subway works best in areas where we cannot add above ground rail, like in the case of a relief line. A line which needs to be built as soon as possible.



Transit decisions should be made for the most part by transit professionals. The TTC and Metrolinx should be support in their jobs, with politicans being the sober second thought. Politicans need to find the politcal will and funding to see projects through to completion.



Parks must not only be physically maintained but friends of parks groups need to be supported in their efforts to animate park spaces. We must also continue to ensure city run parks programming happens.



Cultural inatives already happening should be supported and grown. This should include everything from city wide festivals, to the work done by Toronto organisations with children and youth.



Our city must move forward with multi-pronged movement across the city. Everyone needs a place to be on the road. Minimum Grid is the next step, that needs to be followed with more.


Garbage Collection

No specific policy has been suggested in the party's current platform.

After School Programs

After school programs fulfill an important space in families lives. They must be supported to allow families to have a safe and fun space for their children while adults finish work days.


Public Housing

We must clear the repair backlog as well as build the housing to clear the waitlist. The housing we build needs to be varied and built into communities. Co-op options need to be pursued as well.



Property taxes must rise with inflation. More importantly, the city needs to seek other revenue streams.

Until we have other revenue streams to replace it, the Land Transfer tax must stay as is.


Small Businesses

No specific policy has been suggested in the party's current platform.

Economic Development

We must work with the private sector to hire our young people. We need to move forward with entrepreneurship programs to provide mentorship, space and resources to young people who want to start their own buisnesses.



  • Miguel Barbosa, Researcher, Strategist
  • Trevor Blades, Web developer
  • David Clement, Consultant
  • Joseph Homsy, Marketing
  • Matheson Murray, Researcher, Editor
  • Marvin Sanchez, Designer
  • Sean Tanner, Illustrator
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