Nouveau parti démocratique du Québec

Raphaël Fortin

About Raphaël

42 years old

Hometown: Montréal

Raphaël Fortin is from Montreal. He is a UQAM graduate in Business Administration. He has been working for twelve years in the restaurant industry. He is involved in his union and in the Red Nose association. He ran twice in the Québec provincial elections without being elected. Raphaël Fortin became leader of the NPDQ on January 21st, 2018. He speaks three languages.

Aboriginal Affairs

Establish respect, fairness and reciprocity relationships with First Nations and Inuit.[1]

Introduce into Québec legislation and by-laws the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.[1]



No official stance has been taken on this topic.


Culture and Identity

Abolish Bill 62 and open a consultation to update the recommendations of the Bouchard-Taylor Commission. The NPDQ wants to establish a policy of religious neutrality of the state based on this consultation.[1]

Propose a cultural policy based on recent consultations to improve access to culture.[1]



Reduce state subsidies to private schools and invest that money in the public system.[1]

Establish real free education (even pedagogical materials) at all levels.[1]



Help the development of cooperatives and the social economy. The NPDQ wants to collaborate with stakeholders in the cooperative and social economy sectors.[1]

Reduce precarious jobs and raise the minimum wage to $ 15 an hour.[1]



Reduce the industry's use of fuel products for energy purposes and eliminate the use of these products for building heating.[1]

Eliminate all subsidies to polluting businesses by 2025.[1]


Governance and Tranparency

Promote electoral reform incorporating proportional representation. The NPDQ wants each party to have representation in the National Assembly that reflects the popular vote obtained.[1]

Implement all the recommendations of the Charbonneau Commission's report.[1]



Propose a comprehensive and coherent policy for immigration, integration support and investment support, at mid and long-term levels.[1]

Re-evaluate existing programs to organize the orientation and integration of immigrants according to the capacity, opportunities and needs in each region within Québec.[1]



Strengthen consumers' rights.[1]



Strengthen the protection of homebuyers by ensuring that all building inspectors meet a number of requirements (eg registering with a government authority).[1]



In-depth review of the remuneration of physicians and the organization of health care.[1]

Base healthcare on the relevance, accessibility and end wait lists rather than the volume and timing of care.[1]



Have Quebec recognized as a nation and have flexibility within the Canadian Federation.[1]

Cooperate with other provinces and the federal government on a number of issues.[1]


🃏 Joker

Introduce universal income within the next 10 years, with an assessment of its impact on poverty reduction.[1]
